
+ Education

New York University, 2022 - 2024
MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Creative Writing

University of Pennsylvania, 2017 - 2021
BA (Bachelor of Arts) in English, Minor in Urban Studies

Attending a top-tier institution like University of Pennsylvania has given me a deep understanding of what elite schools look for in their students — a combination of academic rigor, creativity, and authentic voice. This knowledge allows me to help students present themselves in a way that resonates with admissions committees at top schools.

During my MFA at New York university, I had the privilege of working with renowned writers like Ocean Vuong, Terrance Hayes, and Catherine Barnett. Their mentorship honed my craft even further, teaching me how to bring both nuance and emotional depth to my writing. This training has enhanced my ability to guide students in shaping their essays, ensuring that their unique stories come through with clarity and impact.

+ College Admissions Experience

The College Admissions Essay with Ezra Zhang, 2017 - Present
Founder & College Admissions Consultant

Thinktown Education, 2021 - 2022
College Admissions & Academic Consultant

Fahey Associates, 2020 - 2021
College Admissions Writing Advisor

+ Editing Experience

Washington Square Review, 2022 - 2024
Copy Editor

The Penn Review, 2017 - 2021
Content Manager & Awards Coordinator

Sad Planetarium, 2017 - 2019
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Bellevue Literary Review, 2018
Editorial Intern

Glass Kite Anthology, 2014 - 2018
Founder & Editor-in-Chief

+ Teaching Experience

New York University, 2023 - 2024
Adjunct Professor of Creative Writing

Thinktown Education, 2021 - 2022
Creative Writing Consultant

Netter Center for Community Partnerships, 2018 - 2019
Teaching Associate

Glass Kite Anthology Writing Studio, 2015 - 2019
Founder, Director, & Teacher

+ Published Writing

The Margins, November 2023, “Two Stories About Drowning” & “Self-Portrait as a Dead Dog

Split Lit Magazine, November 2023, “Self-Portrait as the Head of a Frozen Mouse

Frontier Poetry, October 2023, “Travelogue: Chinese After-School

Sweet Lit, October 2023, “Park Ekphrasis Without Park

Ninth Letter, February 2022, “The Two Times I Loved You Most in LA

Redivider, May 2021, “Time Travelers

Juked, April 2021, "Metaphorizing the merlots my mother drops off during quarantine

Cosmonauts Avenue, March 2021, “Theory of Worth

Spork Press, November 2020, “Memory I Keep Misremembering

Palette Poetry, September 2020, “Killing the Dragon

Sine Theta Magazine, August 2020, “Joji Photoshops Out My Ex’s Face from a Blurry Picture in Thailand

The Penn Review, March 2020, “Annelyse Gelman: About Repulsion” (Interview)

The Louisville Review, November 2019, "Amputation"

Waxwing Literary Journal, October 2019, "Mammoths"

Hobart, June 2019, "Dead Baby Syndrome"

34th Street, February 2019, Ghost Essay

The Minnesota Review, December 2018, "Why Dehydration Was Invented"

|tap| lit mag​, February 2018, "Latitude #002;"

inter|rupture, January 2018, “The Amber of the Moment”

34th Street, December 2017, “On Math Rock and Sea Dragons”

Salt Hill Journal, December 2017, "Origami" and "Nocturne"

Kweli Journal, December 2017, "I dream back the city"

Glass Poetry Press, April 2017, "Latitude"

SOFTBLOW, 2017, "Graveyard Hypothesis" & "Crane Theory" & "Apothecary" & "Why Bile Was Invented"

DIALOGIST, 2017, "Antidote for Yellow Skin"

Gigantic Sequins, August 2016, "Straw Theory"

Words Dance, November 2015, "Sestina for Devils and Sandpaper Braille"

+ Writing Awards & Features

Palette Poetry: Emerging Poet Prize 2020, Longlist

Pushcart Prize 2020, Nominated by The Louisville Review

Best New Poets 2019, Nominated by The Minnesota Review

Gigantic Sequins: Teen Sequins 2016, First Place & Feature

Sugar Rascals, Sweet Talk Interview

Phosphene Literary Journal, "13 Under 30” Feature

The Poetry Society of the UK’s Foyle Young Poet of the Year, Commended (3 consecutive years)

Interlochen Center for the Arts Writing, Fine Arts Award for Creative Writing

+ Attended Writing Workshops

Cave Canem, an accumulation: returning to the unwritten and the unsaid, 2021

Apogee Journal Writing Resistance Workshop, 2021

DreamYard Rad(ical) Poetry Consortium, 2021

Young Adult Fiction with Nova Ren Suma, 2021

Speculative Fiction with Carmen Maria Machado, 2020

Tin House Poetry Workshop with Patricia Lockwood, 2018

The Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program with Chen Chen, 2016

The Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, 2016

Iowa Young Writers’ Studio with Dan Rosenberg, 2015

Interlochen Center for the Arts Writing Workshop, 2014

California State Summer School for the Arts, 2013

I bring a unique combination of professional editing, teaching, and direct admissions experience. My years of editing have sharpened my ability to refine writing with attention to detail, ensuring every essay tells a clear and compelling story. My background as a teacher also helps me connect with students, making the writing process approachable and collaborative, empowering students to find confidence in their own voice.

With firsthand knowledge of the college admissions process, I understand what admissions officers are looking for and how to help students showcase their unique strengths. By combining my editorial skills and admissions insights, I provide personalized, narrative-focused editing that helps students craft standout essays.

With numerous publications, awards, and attendances at esteemed writing workshops, I’ve honed my ability to craft compelling narratives and engage readers. These skills make me uniquely qualified to help students turn their personal stories into standout essays.

My background as both a writer and editor allows me to help students refine their ideas, ensuring their essays are not only technically polished but also authentic and impactful. I’m passionate about helping each student find their voice and present their best self to admissions committees.